Shri Ramadasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 15 Shlokas 12 - 18
समर्थरामदासस्य तुकारामस्य चाज्ञया |
राजेन्द्रो यवनाक्रान्तं पालयामास भारतम् ||
जय श्रीरघुवीरेति समर्थेति प्रकीर्तनम् |
सर्वत्र कारयामास शिवश्च्छत्रपतिर्महान् ||
हन्तारं गोब्राह्मणानां हर्तारम् परयोषिताम् |
देवालयानां भेत्तारं जघान यवनाधिपम् ||
विद्राविते म्लेच्छसैन्ये निहते यवनाधिपते |
किङ्कराः शिवराजस्य प्रविश्य भवनं रिपोः ||
प्रधानमहिषीं बद्ध्वा प्रापयामासुरादरात् |
प्रतिकर्तुं विनीक्ष्चित्य भारतस्त्रीविहारिणः ||
तां दृष्ट्वा सुन्दरीं नारीं बद्धाञ्जलिमुपस्थिताम् |
विलोक्य शिवराजस्तु समुत्थाय ससंभ्रमम् ||
पुत्रवन्मातरं दृष्ट्वा प्रणम्य म्लेच्छभामिनीम् |
कोपारुणविशालाक्षो बभाषे निजकिङ्करान् ||
As commanded by Shri Samartha Ramadasa, Shivaji safeguarded India that was completely subdued by the muslims. Emperor Shivaji used to spread the Divine Name of “Jaya Shri Raghuvira Samartha” everywhere. He murdered Abdul Khan, a general of the muslims who used to slaughter the cows, kill the Brahmanas and molest the wives of others and demolish The Hindu temples. The muslim leader that had lost the leader retreated. Then soldiers of Shivaji retreated the palace of the enemy, arrested his wife and brought her before Shivaji in order to take revenge on the sinner who had smiled many chaste women in India. She stood before Shivaji with folded hands. Looking at that beautiful woman, Shivaji got up in excitement. He respected her as a son reveres his mother. Then with eyes reddened with anger he looked at his soldiers and ordered thus.