Shri Ramadasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 15 Shlokas 25 - 31
इत्युक्ता राजराजेन किङ्करास्तु शिवाजिना |
यवनीं प्रापयामासुस्तस्याः पितृगृहं मुदा ||
निवेद्य निखिलं राज्यं रामदासाय योगिने |
तदधीनक्ष्चकारापि धरणीपालनं नृपः ||
विमुखाः परदारेषु वैष्णवाः शुद्धमानसाः |
न कदापि प्रकुर्वन्ति पापं त्वपि यदृच्छया ||
एवं हि काचिद्वनिता कामपीडितमानसा |
निगूढा निशि सानन्दं तुकाराममुपागता ||
तामेव रुक्मिणीं स्मृत्वा तुकारामो महामनाः |
ववन्दे शिरसा सद्यो बाष्पसुस्निग्धलोचनः ||
पुत्रभावेन सम्युक्तं दृष्ट्वा तं वैष्णावोत्तमम् |
तदभावशुद्धहृदया मातृभावमवाप सा ||
तस्यैव विष्णुभक्तस्य तुकारामस्य किङ्करः |
कथं कुर्यान्महाराजः कुलस्त्रीदूषणं बत ||
Shri Sadguru continued
When the emperor Shivaji ordered thus, the soldiers felt proud of him and happily they handed her over to her parents. Making his entire kingdom an offering to Shri Ramadasa, Shivaji ruled over the land as his subordinate. The pious-minded vaishnavas have absolutely no yearning for the wives of others. They never commit a sin even due to negligence. Once s woman, blackened with illegitimate lust, came to Tukaram stealthily during night time. The unshakable Tukaram considered her to be Devi Rukmini, and prostrated before her with eyes full of tears. Seeing that noble vaishnava who bowed to her with the love of a son, her heart was cleansed of lust and her outlook towards him changed to that of a mother. Would Shivaji, the follower of that devotee of Lord Vishnu, Shri Tukaram, ever think of molesting chaste women of noble birth?
Thus ends Chapter Fifteen entitled ‘Shivajiraja Charitam I’ of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal