Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Ramadasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 16 Shlokas 4 - 9

Shri Ramadasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 16 Shlokas 4 - 9


न केवलं राज्यकामः शिवाजिधर्मवत्सलः |

महाभागवतः सोsयमम्बरीषादयो यथा ||

आशुगं हयमारुह्य महत्या सेनया सह |

चकार समरं राजा सतां संरक्षणाय हि ||

तथापि तस्य चित्तं तु विरक्तं युद्धकौतुकात् |

रतिं चकार सत्सङ्गे हरिकीर्तनपूरिते ||

रामदासप्रसादेन भवानी परमेक्ष्वरी |

खड्गं ददौ स्वयं तस्मै साक्षादेव समागता ||

तेन खड्गेन वै राज विद्राव्य म्लेच्छमण्डलम् |

स्वराज्यं स्ववशं कृत्वा सर्वत्र विजयी बभौ ||

विधाय दासबोधाख्यं ग्रन्थं परमपावनम् |

तस्मै ददौ कृपासिन्धू रामदासो जगद्गुरुः ||

Shri Sadguru said

The righteous Shivaji was not a mere king with royal attachment. He was a great bhagavata like Ambarisha and the others. Riding on a very swift horse, he used to engage in wars only in order to protect the humble and noble ones. Inspire of his wars and success, he did not find pleasure in them. His detached mind was interested only in having the company of sadhus which was filled with Hari-kirtan alone. Due to the mercy of his guru Shri Ramadasa, Goddess Bhavani appeared before him and handed over a sword in person. Only with that sword, he could drive away the muslim groups, get possessions of his own kingdom, and receive unhindered success everywhere. The universal preceptor and the fountain of compassion, Shri Ramadasa composed the holy work named ‘Dasabodham’ and gifted it to Shivaji.