Shri Korakumbha Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 17 Shlokas 12 - 19
तदा तत्रागतः पुत्रो बालकः पितृवत्सलः |
रिङ्गन् रिङ्गन् प्रेमपूर्वमग्रहीच्चरणं पितुः ||
तमजानन् प्रेमपूर्वमागतं तनयं महान् |
ननर्त पङ्के सानन्दं विट्ठलध्यानमोहितः ||
अर्भकः सोपि पतितः पङ्के पित्रा विमर्दितः |
प्रारुदन्नितरां तत्र मृतिं प्राप यदुच्छया ||
मातापि पुलसीबयी पुत्रवात्सल्यमोहिता |
इतस्ततो विचिन्वन्ती तत्रापश्यन्मृतं |||
पङ्के मग्नं मृतं पुत्रं प्रेमोन्मत्तं तथा पतिम् |
विलोक्य तुलसीबायी पपात भुवि मूर्च्छिता ||
अथाचिरात्समुत्थाय भर्तारं परिरभ्य च |
मृतं पुत्रमुपादाय चुक्रोश कुररीव सा ||
शिशुहत्याभयात्सद्यः पुत्रशोकादपि प्रभुः |
भूमौ निपत्य चिक्रोश सान्त्वयंस्तुलसीमपि ||
तथा विवेकमापन्नः कोराकुंभो महापतिः |
स्वभार्यां सान्त्वयामास मृदुपूर्वं कृपानिधिः ||
At that time, his young son who was very much attached to him came crawling. With great affection, the child clung to his foot. That noble man did not take notice of his child who had come there. Absorbed in divinee bliss, losing himself in Panduranga dhyana, he was dancing on the muddy floor wrapped with wet clay paste. The child fell on the clay paste. Stamped by the dancing father, the child was crushed under his feet. He cried bitterly and died suddenly. The loving mother Tulasibai ran here and there in search of her son and finally found him lying dead there. Looking at her dead son and the unconscious husband, she fainted and fell on the floor. After some time, she got up and hugged her husband. Then with the dead son in her hands screamed like a bird that had lost its companion. That great man knew that he had committed the sin of infanticide. Stricken with fear and sorrow on the loss of his beloved son, he fell on the floor and cried. He consoled Tulasibai also. That man of great wisdom and the repository of compassion named Korakumbha attained self-realization and enlightenment and consoled his wife.