Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 1 - 3
साहाय्यं कुरुते कृष्णो दुष्करे गृहकर्मणि |
भक्तानामेकनिष्ठानामनन्यमनसां प्रभुः ||
अग्रतः पृष्ठतक्ष्चापि पार्क्ष्वतक्ष्चापि सर्वतः |
तिष्ठन् पण्डरिनाथास्तु भक्तं पालयति प्रभुः ||
गर्हिताण्यपि कर्माणि कुरुते करुणानिधिः |
स्वगौरवञ्च विस्मृत्य भक्तरक्षणदीक्षितः ||
Shri Sadguru said
Lord Krishna helps the bhaktas in many ways. He shares the burden of even the household chores of those bhaktas who have no other thought other than of the Lord and have unaltered faith in him. Lord Pandarinatha stands in front of, behind, at the sides of and at all places and helps His bhaktas. The Lord, the boundless ocean of mercy, who is the avowed guardian of the bhaktas engages Himself even in mean jobs forgetting His glory for the sake of Hiss devotees.