Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 25 - 28
रैदास उवाच
तादृशी न हि मे भक्तिर्यादृशी करुणा तव |
कृतघ्नोहं कृपासिन्धो भक्तवत्सल विट्ठल ||
क्वेयं मे गर्हिता वृत्तिः क्व त्वं वैकुण्ठभूपतिः |
निशि जागरणेनैव पादुकानां शतं कृतम् ||
नूनं मे हृदयं वज्रमश्मसारमयं हि वा |
तव लीलां विलोक्यापि भिद्यते नैव विट्ठल ||
एवं संस्मृत्य संसृत्य बहुधा प्रलपन्नपि |
उन्मत्तवच्चचारायं रैदासो वैष्णवोत्तमः ||
Raidasa lamented
Heh, fountain-head of mercy! Benefactor of the bhaktas! Vitthala! I am a cheat. I do not have Bhakti matching your mercy. Oh! What a great disparity is there between me and my mean job and You, the Lord of the Vaikuntha? Oh! You have made hundred pairs of shoes, keeping awake throughout the night. Definitely, I am hard-hearted as hard as a stone or vajra (thunderbolt, the weapon of Indra). It is still unbroken and is intact even after experiencing this merciful Leela of Yours. Thus thinking repeatedly about the mercy of the Lord and lamenting about his incapacity, the distinguished vaishnava Raidasa wandered all over like a lunatic.
Thus ends Chapter Twenty One entitled ‘Raidasa Charitm’ of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.