Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 18 - 22
हा कृष्ण रुक्मिणीकान्त राधिकाराधित प्रभो |
गोपीवल्लभ गोविन्द भामारमण माधव ||
पाहि मां पण्डरीनाथ पाञ्चालीलामानरक्षक |
यमुनालोल गोपाल यशोदानन्दवर्धन ||
लौकिकं वैदिकं कर्म न जानामि यथातथा |
तथाप्यस्मिन् कुटुम्बेहं सीदामि बहुपीडिता ||
संसारसागराद् घोरान्मामुद्धर कृपानिधे |
निधेहि तव पादाब्जे किङ्करी शरणागताम् ||
किं गृहेण च कान्तेन किं धर्मेण धनेन किम् |
त्वामेव मे प्रियतमं द्रष्टुमिच्छामि विट्ठल ||
Heh! Krishna! Lord of Rukmini ! Consort of Devi Radha! Oh Lord! the mate of the hopis! Govinda! Spouse of Devi Satyabhama! Madhava! Pandarinatha! Oh! Rescuer of Paanchali! Oh! The one who carried on divine sport on the bank of river Yamuna! Son of Yashoda! Please save me. I’m ignorant of the worldly code. I do not know the Shastras either. Yet I am caught in the net of the family life and am in distress. Oh! Treasure chest of compassion! Please lift me. Your devotee, up to your holy feet from the sea of earthly sorrows into which I have fallen. I surrender to you completely. What use do objects like home and wealth and the husband and the righteous code have for me? I long to see only You, my beloved.