Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 2 Shlokas 1 - 4

Kabirdasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 2 Shlokas 1 - 4


भक्तस्य हृदयं शुद्धं भगवत्प्रेमतत्परम् |

नैव जानन्ति लोकेsस्मिन्नर्थकामपरा जनाः ||

कापट्यरहिता भक्ता वर्तन्ते बालका इव |

कार्याकार्यं न जानन्ति भगवद्भक्तिमोहिताः ||

पत्नीं पुत्रं धनं धान्यं गृहं कीर्तिं कुलं तथा |

त्यजन्ति साधुसेवायै साधवो निर्मलाशयाः ||

तादृशान् वैष्णवश्रेष्ठान् विशुद्धह्रुदयान् सतः |

वञ्चयन्ति च ये मूढा निरयं प्राप्नुवन्ति ते ||

Shri Sadguru said

On this earth, those who love only wealth and carnal pleasure, fail to understand the pious hearts of the bhaktas, who cherish loving devotion towards Shri Bhagavan. The pure and innocent bhaktas resemble guileless children. As they are engrossed in loving devotion to God, they fail to realize what ir worth doing and what is not. The pious sadhus become ready to sacrifice everything including theie wives, children, wealth, property, house and fame in order to serve the great sadhus. Those foolish ones who deceive such pure-hearted sadhus and vaishnavas are doomed to attain only hell.