Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 2 Shlokas 8 - 10

Kabirdasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 2 Shlokas 8 - 10

आतिथ्यञ्च तयोः कर्तुं विनिक्ष्चित्य महामनाः |

द्रव्यालाभं गृहे दृष्ट्वा विपणिं प्राप सत्वरम् ||

तत्रापि श्रेष्ठितं काञ्चीद्विलोक्यादरपूरवकम् |

ययाचे च कबीर्दासो यत्किञ्चिद् द्रव्यमीप्सितम् ||

तदा कबीरमालोक्य याचन्तं धनवर्जितम् |

श्रेष्ठो च प्राह कुपितो लोभिनां प्रवरो हि सः ||

The broad-minded Kabir wanted to treat them in the most hospitable manner possible. When he found that there was nothing at home to serve them, he went to the market to get some food stuff. Finding a rich merchant (a chattier), Kabir pleaded to him to supply some provisions. That stingy man got angry and uttered impolite words to Kabir who wanted some provision free of cost.