Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 2 Shlokas 14 - 19

Kabirdasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 2 Shlokas 14 - 19


इत्युक्तोपि कबीरस्तु कुपितेन दुरात्मना |

नैवाप क्रोधलेशञ्च विशुद्धहृदयो महान् ||

क्रुद्धस्य श्रेष्ठीनो वाक्यं तथ्यमेव स्मरन् महान् |

बहुधा चिन्तयामास संप्राप्य स्वगृहं शुभम् ||

गृहालिन्दे निषण्णो तौ नामकीर्तनतत्परौ |

क्षिधितौ वैष्णवश्रेष्ठो दृष्ट्वा दुःखमवाप सः ||

शैलूषवृत्तिं कर्तुञ्च श्रेष्ठिनो वचनं यथा |

स्वयमानीय पत्नीञ्च श्रेष्ठिनः प्राप सन्निधिम् ||

तत्र तां सुन्दरीं त्यक्त्वा द्रव्यमादाय वैष्णवः |

गृहं गत्वा वैष्णवौ तौ भोजयामास सादरम् ||

श्रेष्ठिनं वञ्चयित्वा सा सहसान्तर्गृहं गता |

कपाटबन्धनं कृत्वा तुष्टाव रघुनन्दनम् ||

Shri Sadguru said

That cruel man shouted at Kabir at the height of his anger. But the blemishless mahatma Kabir did not get angry with him. He took the infuriated merchant at his word. Reaching home, he spent a long time pondering on this. He became very sad at the sight of the great bhagavatas, who were sitting hungry on his portico singing in praise of the Lord. He decided to pledge his wife. Taking her with him, he went to the merchant again. Kabirdasa left his wife there, collected the necessary grocery items from the chettiar and returned home. Later with due respect he fed all the vaishnavas sumptuously. His wife went inside the chettiar’s house and locked herself in a room away from his reach. There she engaged in meditation on Shri Rama.