Kabirdasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 4 Shlokas 22 - 24
सुप्रसन्नोस्मि भक्तेन्द्र तवौदारयगुणेन च |
मन्नामश्रवणादेव सर्वस्वं दत्तवानसि ||
त्वादृशं सज्जनश्रेष्ठं न जानामि महीतले |
तस्मादागतवासस्मि तव दर्शनकाङ्ग्क्षया ||
जानाम्यहं विरक्तं त्वां प्रेमभक्तिपरायणम् |
वरं वृणीष्व स्वच्छन्दममोघं मम दर्शनम् ||
Shri Bhagavan said
Oh! The best of the bhaktas! I am pleased with your noble qualities. It seems you will give away anything the moment you hear My Divine Name. I have not seen a sadhu, as great as you are, in this world. Hence I have come here to have your darshan. I learn you are a totally dispassionate person as you have perm Bhakti as the only object of life. Even then My darshan should not go in vain. You as Me for any boon quite freely.