Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 3 Shlokas 19 - 26

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 3 Shlokas 19 - 26

ब्राह्मणा उचुः |

दर्शनेपि महत्पापं मलेच्छानां पापजन्मनाम् |

तस्मात्क्षिप्रं गच्छ गच्छ स्वगृहं यवनाधम ||


एवमुक्तः कबीर्दासो नितरां दूनमानसः |

चुक्रोश बालवत्तत्र गुरुदर्षनलालसः ||

आत्मानं गर्हयन्नेव पूजयन् ब्राह्मणानपि |

अदोषदर्शी पुण्यात्मा गङ्गातीरमुपाययौ ||

गङ्गासोपानमध्ये तु निद्राहारविवर्जितः |

अवाप महतीं चिन्तां गुरुदर्शनकातरः ||

यामत्रये गते तत्र निशायां यतिसत्तमः |

कर्तुं भागीरथीस्नानं रामानन्दः समागतः ||

राघवेन्द्रस्य नामानि सुस्वरं कीर्तयन् यतिः |

पादन्यासं चकारापि गङ्गासोपानपङ्क्तिषु ||

यदृच्छया कबीर्दासः पादस्पर्शं गुरोरपि |

अवाप्य परमानन्दादुदतिष्ठत्कृताञ्जलिः ||

अहो भाग्यमहो भाग्यमहो भाग्यमिति स्मरन् |

ननर्त च कबीर्दासः समवाप्तमनोरथः ||

The Brahmanas said

Oh, low-born! It is a great offense even to look at the muslims who are sinners. Hence please go back to your place.

Shri Sadguru said

Hearing these words, Kabirdasa for overwhelmed with sorrow. Longing for the darshan of the guru Shri Ramananda, he started weeping bitterly, standing there. As he was adorned with the noble quality of not blaming others, he paid reverence to the Brahmanas. In self-pity, cursing himself, he reached the banks of the Ganga. Seated on one of the steps leading to the waters of the holy Ganga, he was immersed in sorrowful thoughts. He sat there with an ardent desire to have a darshan of the guru, giving up food and sleep. Very early in the morning, the great saint Ramananda reached the banks of Ganga to have a holy bath. Chanting the Divine Name ‘Rama’, that seer laid his adorable feet on the steps where Kabir was seated. Unexpectedly coming in touch with the holy feet of the guru Kabir was overcome with joy. He stood up there with folded hands. A his desire was fulfilled, Kabir started dancing in joy, repeatedly saying “How fortunate I am!”.