Ramananda Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 5 Shlokas 24 - 30
इत्युक्तास्तु जनाः सर्वे रामानन्देन योगिना |
निर्भया निर्भराः प्रापुः स्वगृहं रामचिन्तकाः ||
निशान्तराले यवना विविषुर्णगरीं बत |
क्रूरवृत्ता दुरात्मानो विविधायुधापाणयः ||
रामानन्दो महात्मापि ध्यायन् श्रीरघुनन्दनम् |
दिव्यं शङ्खं प्रदध्मौ च शत्रुसेनाभयङ्करम् ||
शङ्खध्वनिमुपाकर्ण्य यवना जातवेपनाः |
दुद्रुवुः सर्वतो भीतास्त्यक्त्वा वाराणसीपुरीम् ||
प्रभाते यवनेन्द्रोपि रामानन्दमुपागतः |
विज्ञाय तस्य माहात्म्यं प्रार्थयामास च क्षमाम् ||
देवालयानां रक्षार्थं गोब्राह्म्णहिताय च |
म्लेच्छानाज्ञापयामास रामानन्दो यतीक्ष्वरः ||
निर्भयैक्ष्च जनैः सर्वैः सन्ततं परिपूजितः |
काश्यामेवावसद्योगी रामध्यानपरायणः ||
Shri Sadguru continued
Receiving the above advice of yogi Ramananda, the people got rid of all worries and apprehensions. They all went home meditating upon Shri Rama. Alas! At midnight the wicked and devilish muslims entered the town armed with various destructive weapons. Mahatma Ramananda, with sincere prayers to Lord Shri Rama, blew the holy conch that is capable of creating great fear amidst the armies of the foes. Hearing the dreadful sound of the conch, the muslims became dumb-found with fear and just started running pell-mell in all directions. The next morning, realizing the greatness of Shri Ramananda, the leader of the muslims approached him and begged for mercy. Saint Ramananda ordered him to protect the temples, cows, and the Brahmanas. Ramananda spent the rest of his life in Kashi, all the time engaged in meditating upon Lord Rama, and worshipped by all the people who were free from fear, after that incident.
Thus ends Chapter One entitled ‘Ramananda Charitam’ of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.