Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 8 - 12

Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 8 - 12

तच्चापि भगवन्नाम विक्रेतुं कृतनिक्ष्चयाः |

अहो चरन्ति लोकेsस्मिन् भक्तवेषेण केचन ||

अर्थ सम्पादनायैव ये गायन्ति हरिं परम् |

न वैष्णवा न भक्तास्ते सज्जनद्रोहिणी हि ते ||

महात्मनः कबीरस्य रामभक्तशिखामणेः |

कमालो नाम तनयक्ष्चासीत्सज्जनसम्मतः ||

स कदाचित्तीर्थयात्रायां कुर्वन् भागवातोत्तमः |

पण्डरीक्षेत्रमागत्य विट्ठलं सन्ददर्श ह ||

तत्रैव तु महाद्वारे नाम सङ्कीर्तनं चरन् |

उन्मत्तवन्ननर्तायं बाष्परोमाञ्चभूषितः ||

It is a pity that some people have decided to make capital out of Nama kirtan too and are roaming about the earth in the disguise of bhagavatas. Those who sing in praise of Lord Hari, the Supreme Soul, just with an intention of making money are not real vaishnavas, nor they are true bhaktas. They are the traitors of the group of true sadhus. Kabirdasa, the best of the devotees who was held in high esteem by the sadhus. A great bhagavata as he was, Kabirdasa once went on a pilgrimage and on his way, reached Pandaripuram and had the darshan of Lord Vitthala. He stood in front of the temple excitedly angered in Nama kirtan shedding tears. He also danced like a mad man.