Vaishnava Samhita. Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 12 - 19

Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 12 - 19

प्रस्थिते तीर्थयात्रायै रामानन्दे जगद्गुरौ |

धन्यक्ष्च स्वगृहे तिष्ठन् पूजयामास केशवम् ||

विविक्तं स्थानमागत्य शालग्रामं निधाय च |

कपाटबन्धनं कृत्वा पूजार्थमुपचक्रमे ||

अर्घ्यपाद्यादिकं दत्वा संस्नाप्य च यथाविधि |

अलञ्चकार सानन्दं पुष्पचन्दनकुङ्कुमैः ||

रोटी निवेदयामास बालकः प्रेमपूरवकम् |

देवो न भक्षयामास धन्योपि प्ररुरोद च ||

धन्य उवाच

त्वदर्थं रचितां रोटीं जनन्यैव मम प्रभो |

न भक्षयसि किं नाथ मया दत्तामिहादरात् ||

गुडमिश्रं घृतञ्चासि दुग्धञ्चेदं गृहाण भोः |

क्षुत्क्लान्तजठरोसि त्वं कालक्षेपेण किं वृथा ||

ममैव गुरुणा दत्तमक्ष्नासि फलमप्यहो |

मया दत्तामिमां रोटीं भगवन् किमुपेक्षसे ||

फलञ्च शबरीदत्तं पुरा भक्षितावानसि |

इति मात्रापि कथितं श्रुतं ते चरितं मया ||

Jagadguru Shri Ramananda started on a pilgrimage to holy places. Dhanya stayed at home and worshipped Lord Keshava. He sat in a lonely place, closed the doors, and started the Pooja of the shulagramam. He offered arghya and paddy and did abhisheka. Very gladly he decorated the Lord with kumkum, Chandan and flowers. Then very affectionately he offered the Lord ‘Roti’ to eat. The Lord did not eat that. Dhanya cried bitterly.

Dhanya cried

Oh! Lord! Katha! Why are You not eating the “roti’ offered by me which is specially prepared by my mother for You. Swami! Here are milk, ghee and sugar. Please accept them all. What benefits do You derive from starving? Oh! Bhagavan! You accept anything like fruits offered by my guru. Why do You hate ‘Roti’ given by me? I have heard from my mother that long back You had eaten the fruits offered bu Shabari