Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 27 - 33
अप्रदायैव मे किञ्चिद् भुक्त्वा रोटीञ्च सर्वशह |
किं रोदिषीति मां दृष्ट्वा पृच्छस्येवं वृथा प्रभो ||
इत्य्क्त्वा पुनरेवासौ रुरोद स हि बालकः |
सान्त्वयामास तं भक्तमाक्ष्लिष्य प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||
सहसा जानकीदेवी तत्रागत्य स्वयं तदा |
कृपया प्रददौ रोटीं स्वकरेणैव कल्पितान् ||
स्वीकृत्य रोटीं सानन्दं दत्तं प्रेम्णैव सीतया |
तत्रैव भक्षयामास बालकः सन्निधौ तयोः ||
रोटीभक्षमात्रेण सर्वज्ञोsभवदर्भकः |
कीर्तनं कर्तुमारेभे मधुरैर्ललैतैः पदैः ||
जगतः पितरौ तौ च प्रेमवात्सल्यसम्युतौ |
बालकं लालयन्तौ तं परमं सुखमापतुः ||
सीतया लालितो बालस्त्वभूल्लवकुशानुजः |
सार्थमेव हि तन्नाम धन्यः पितृमतां वरः ||
“Oh, Lord! You have eaten all the Roti. You did not give me even a bit. And now, You are unnecessarily asking me to say why I am crying.” Saying so, that boy, once again started crying. With great affection, Shri Bhagavan, hugged the bhakta and consoled him. Devi Sita, who appeared there at that time mercifully gave him the ‘Roti’ prepared by Her. Accepting with great joy, the ‘Roti’ given by Devi Sita, he started eating it right in front of Them. The moment he ate the ‘Roti’, he acquired wisdom. He started doing bhajan, singing sweet and melodious songs. Shri Rama and Devi Sita, the parents of the entire universe, derived great pleasure in fondling the child with all love and affection. Thus, fondly caressed by Devi Sita, Dhyana became the brother of Lava and Kusha (the sons of Shri Rama and Sita). His holy name is quite precious and glorified. Dhyana is indeed very fortunate.
Thus ends Chapter Eight entitled ‘Dhyana Charitam’ of Book IX os Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.