Vaishnava Samhita. Tulasidasa Charitam I Vol III Book IX Chp 9 Shlokas 14 - 18

Tulasidasa Charitam I Vol III Book IX Chp 9 Shlokas 14 - 18


एवं निशान्तरे स्वामिन् किमत्रागतवानसि |

त्वां दृष्ट्वा परमश्रान्तं दुनोमि करुणानिधे ||

श्रीतुलसीदास उवाच

अविज्ञातेन केनापि पितृगेहङ्गतां स्मरन् |

चिन्तयापि भयेनाहमेवमत्रागतोस्मि हि ||


क्ष्वशुरस्ते द्रष्टुकामः सुतां मां भ्रातरं मम |

आनेतुं प्रेषयामास तेन ह्यात्रागतास्म्यहम् ||

पथिकेन तु केनापि गन्तुमर्हाम्याहं कथम् |

मम चित्तमविज्ञाय दुःखितोसि वृथा ननु ||

श्रीतुलसीदास उवाच

कथञ्चिदपि रात्रौ त्वं नात्र प्रस्थातुमर्हसि |

मया भर्त्रा तथाप्येवं कर्तव्यं रक्षणं खलु ||

Ratnavali (Tulasidasa’s wife) said

Why have you come at the midnight like this? I feel very sad to see you so much exhausted.

Shri Tulasidasa replied

I have come here with great anxiety and fear at the very thought that you had started with a stranger to your mother’s house.

Ratnavali said

Your father-in-law had sent my brother to meet me. I came here only with him. Will I come with some way-farer? You have unnecessarily undergone all these troubles, not understanding me clearly.

Shri Tulasidasa replied

Whatever be it, you should not have started at the night time. As your husband, I have a duty to protect you.