Tulasidasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 10 Shlokas 9 -12
कदाचित् तुलसीदासो रामभक्तिपरो महान् |
पर्यटन् भारते देशे बृन्दावनमुपागतः ||
तत्रापि राममेवासौ ध्यायन्नेकान्तनिष्ठया |
उवास यमुनातीरे भक्तैर्भागवतैः सह ||
हृदयं प्रविवेशास्य स्वयमेव हि माधवः |
मधुरं वादयन् वेणुं राधया च समन्वितः ||
तं विलोक्य घनश्यामं गोविन्दं मुरालीधरम् |
तुष्टाव तुलसीदासः प्राथनापूर्वकं तथा ||
Once the devotee of Shri Rama, Shri Tulasidasa reached Shri Brindavan during his tour of the holy places in India. In Shri Brindavan, on the bank of the holy river Yamuna along with the bhaktas and bhagavatas, he was deeply engaged in meditation on Shri Rama. At that time, along with His consort Devi Radha, Lord Shri Krishn, stealthily entered his heart, playing on His flute. Finding Shri Venugopala in His blue lustre Tulasidasa worshipped Him with sweet prayers.