Vaishnava Samhita. Tulasidasa Charitam V Vol III Book IX Chp 13 Shlokas 19 - 23

Tulasidasa Charitam V Vol III Book IX Chp 13 Shlokas 19 - 23

श्रीतुलसीदस उवाच

भवान् हि वैष्णवश्रेष्ठस्त्वयि रामः प्रीदति |

त्वया दृष्टो हि भगवान् श्रुतिवाचामगोचरः ||

नास्मिन् मठे नियुक्तौ हि कावपि द्वारपालकौ |

नूनं हि तौ महात्मानौ दृष्टौ श्रीरामलक्ष्मणौ ||

दारिद्र्याद्दुःखितोसि त्वं तस्माच्चौर्यं करोषि च |

यथेष्टं स्वीकुरु द्रव्यं प्रसन्नोस्मि सदा त्वयि ||

न मामकम् धनमिदं रामस्यैव न संशयः |

श्रियःपतिर्जगन्नाथो राघवस्त्वावयोः पिता ||

तस्मात्पापं न ते किञ्चिद्भयम् चिन्ताञ्च सन्त्यज |

पित्रार्जितं धनं लब्धवयं तनयेन हि ||

Tulasidasa said

You are a great vaishnava. Shri Rama has bestowed His mercy on you. You have had the darshan of Shri Rama, who is inaccessible even to the Vedas. No gate-keepers are appointed in this math. In reality, you have seen Lord Rama and Shri Lakshmana only. You are wallowing in poverty. This compels you to steal. You can take all that you want. I am only happy about it. This wealth is not mine. Certainly this belongs to Lord Rama. Shri Rama, the Lord of Devi Sita, is the Lord of the world. He is the father of both of us. SO, this is naturally our common property. So you cannot be committing a sin in taking this wealth. Give up all worries and fears. All the wealth of the father rightly belongs to the son.