Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 6 - 8

Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 6 - 8

अयोध्यायां महानासीदग्रदास इति श्रुतः |

रामभक्तिमतां श्रेष्ठो विरक्तो विजितेन्द्रियः ||

कीर्तयन् रघुवीरस्य नामानि मधुराणि सः |

जगदानन्दयामास भवदावानलावृतम् ||

कथयन् रघुवीरस्य चरित्रं साधुमण्डले |

लोके प्रकाशयामास रामभक्तिं सुनिर्मलाम् ||

In Ayodhya, there was an exalted personality called Agradasa, who was a great devotee of Lord Rama, was devoid of earthly attachments, and had firm control over his senses. He carried on the kirtan of the sweet Mama Nama and cooled the earth scorched by the fire of worldly worries. He used to give discourses in the midst of sadhus on the descent of Shri Rama and thus spread pure devotion to Shri Rama in the world.