Shri Arana Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 14 Shlokas 27 - 34
समबुद्ध्या कर्मयोगं कर्तुमच्छिन्ति केचन |
सर्वं श्रीकृष्णलीलेति चिन्तयेत्यरणोsब्रवीत् ||
अभ्यासेन ध्यानयोगं कर्तुमच्छन्ति केचन |
न शक्नुवन्ति विस्मर्तुं गोविन्दमरणप्रियः ||
आत्मानात्मविचारेण वेदान्तपठनेन किम् |
अहं श्रीकृष्णदासीति भावेत्यरणोsवदत् ||
क्रियाविशेषैर्वैदिका जगद्विस्मापयन्ति च |
प्रेम कुर्वन्ति सर्वत्र सानन्दमरणाश्रयाः ||
गृहं दारान् धनं त्यक्त्वा पर्यटन्ति च केचन |
गृहस्था अपि ते भक्त्या न मुह्यन्त्यरणादराः ||
जटाञ्च वल्कलं दण्डं धारयन्ति च केचन |
आनन्दबाष्पं पुलकं धारयन्त्यरणात्मकाः ||
सत्सङ्गाय गृहं त्यक्त्वा व्रजन्त्यन्यत्र केचन |
पश्यन्ति श्रीकृष्णरतिं स्वगृहेष्वरनाश्रयाः ||
एवं त्वरणमाहात्म्यं प्रत्यक्षमिह दर्शितम् |
जानन्त एव जानन्ति किं बहूक्त्या ममाधुना ||
Some people want to follow the path of karma yoga with equanimity. But Arana preached that one should consider everything as the Leela of Shri Krishna. Some want to immerse in meditation with the help of the practice of yoga. But the disciples of Arana can never forget Shri Govinda, that is, they are engaged in Krishna kirtan, and consider that to be the path much better than the other ones to reach God. Arana questioned the relevance of the study of Vedanta and dwelling on questions like "What is aatma and what is anaatma". He preached that one should always dwell on the idea that "I am a devotee and a servant maid of Lord Krishna". The vaidikas attract the world with rich and ostentatious rituals. But the disciples of Arana joyfully spread the path of prem everywhere. Some give up the family life, renounce wife and children and go about seeking God. But the followers of Arana are firm and devoted even when leading an unperturbed family life. Some seek to wearing data, a staff and an attire of the barks of tree, they want to become forest-dwellers in order to see God. But the disciples of Arana are adorned only with the tears of joy and the excitement of their bodies singing the Divine Names of the Lord. Some leave their homes and roam about in search of the company of the holy men. But the disciples of Arana are able to create favorable atmosphere filled with Krishna Bhakti even in their homes. Thus Arana's greatness is brought out very elegantly. What is the use of repeating it? Only those who have an urge to understand such things can learn them.
Thus ends Chapter Fourteen entitled 'Shri Arana Charitsm' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna premier Swamigal.