Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 19 Shlokas 1 - 5

Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 19 Shlokas 1 - 5


यस्मै ददाति भगवान् कृपया निजदर्शनम् |

स जह्वाति मतिं लोके वेदे चैकान्तमानसः ||

साक्षात्कृत्य हरिं सद्यो जहाति विषये रतिम् |

सुधायामेव पीतायां किं क्षुद्रैः प्राकृतै रसैः ||

मया तु योगसिद्धेन भगवद्दर्शनं कृतम् |

इत्युक्त्वा वञ्चयन्त्येव बहवः पामरान्नरान् ||

यदि साक्षात्कृतो विष्णुः परमानन्दविग्रहः |

किं ततक्ष्चान्नपानाद्यैः कामिनीकाञ्चनादिभिः ||

प्रेमभक्तिरसोन्मत्तो दृढवैराग्यसंयुतः |

लोकवेदविमुक्तः स्यात्तस्मिन् दृषे परावरे ||

Shri Sadguru said

A person who gets the darshan of Shri Bhagavan due to His boundless grace develops single minded devotion and gives up all attachment to worldly affairs. One who has got the darshan of Lord Hari, gets detached from the world immediately. What use does ordinary drinks have to one who has tasted the divine nectar? Many cheats acting as yogis deceive the ordinary, innocent people saying that they have had darshan of Shri Bhagavan. What use do food and drinks and women and wealth have for the one who has seen face to face, Lord Vishnu, the embodiment of eternal bliss ? Getting the darshan of Shri Bhagavan, the very embodiment of Ghana, one gets rid of worldly duties, gets intoxicated with loving devotion and becomes a firm believer.