Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam I Vol III Book X Chp 16 Shlokas 24 - 32
किन्तु शान्तिं न लेभेsयं भगवद्दर्शनं विना |
मनसा चिन्तयन्नित्यं देवनाथं श्रियः पतिम् ||
कदाचित्पितरौ त्यक्त्वा हरिदर्शनकाङ्क्षया |
गोपालदेशिको बालः श्रीरङ्गक्षेत्रमाप सः ||
कावेरीतटमागत्य बहुधा प्रललाप सः |
आनपानादिरहितो विनिद्रो दुःखितो भृशम् ||
किन्तु साक्षाद्दर्शनं तु न ददौ जगदीक्ष्वरः |
दिनत्रये गतेप्येवं तस्मात्तापमुपेयिवान् ||
विप्रो वेङ्कटरङ्गार्यः पुत्रान्वेषणतत्परः |
पुत्रपुत्रेति विलपन्नितरां दुःखितोsभवत् ||
एकपुत्रा च साध्वी सा नितरां प्रललाप ह |
प्रियं पुत्रमपश्यन्ती राममाता यथा पुरा ||
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे विप्रो यात्रिकस्य मुखेन तु |
रङ्गक्षेत्रगतं पुत्रं ज्ञात्वा शान्तिमवाप सः ||
सद्यः श्रीरङ्गमागत्य कावेरीपुलिने स्थितम् |
पुत्रं विलोक्य सानन्दं कृपया परिषस्वजे ||
गोपालदेशिकं प्रेम्णा गृहमानीय वैष्णवः |
बहुधा सान्त्वयामास भगवद्विरहाकुलम् ||
But this boy could not find peace of mind, as he could not get the darshan of the Lord of Lakshmi whom he cherished in his mind all the time. Once this young man left his parents and reached Shriranga Kshetram induced by the great desire to have the darshan of Shri Hari. Foregoing food and sleep, he reached the banks of river Cauvery. With the sorrow of his separation from the Lord, he lamented deeply. Three days went off like this. But the Lord did not appear before him. So he became very anxious. The brahmana Venkatarnga Iyengar also was in despair due to the loss of his son. He was crying all the time for his son and had the only aim of finding him out. The chaste mother also lamented on the loss of her only pet child as Devi Kousalya did long back. In course of time, the brahmana came to know from pilgrims that his son was in Shrirangam. This gave him some consolation. Immediately he reached Shrirangam. Finding his beloved son on the banks of the Caveri, he embraced him with untold joy. Gopala Deshika was brought home with great love gy his vaishnava father. The father consoled Gopala Deshika who was suffering the agony of separation from the Lord, in different ways.
Thus ends Chapter Sixteen entitled 'Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam I' of Book X os Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.