Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam VI Vol III Book X Chp 21 Shlokas 9 - 12
गोपालदेषिकोप्येवं सञ्चरन् जगतीतले |
विरक्तिं परमां प्राप नानादुःखसमाकुले ||
सद्यो मुक्तिमवाप्तुञ्च महात्मा कृतनिक्ष्चयः |
आर्तिमान् शरणं भेजे वेङ्कटेक्ष्वरमच्युतम् ||
दर्शयामास वैकुण्ठमक्रूरस्य यथा पुरा |
गोपालदेशिकस्यापि योगीन्द्रस्य श्रियः पतिः ||
इतः परम् क्षनार्धञ्च न सहेयमिति स्मरन् |
तमेव वेङ्कटाधीशं मुमुक्षुः शरनङ्गतः ||
Gopala Deshika who wandered on this earth afflicted by so many worries like these, became totally dejected with this world. That great man resolved to get rid of all these, and attain salvation. Hence, he surrendered himself completely unto Lord Achyuta, Shri Venkateshwara. Shri Srinivasa blessed him with with the darshan of Shri Vaikuntha as He did earlier in the case of Akrorra. Deshika arrived at the conclusion that he could not pull on any more like that, and surrendered to Lord Venkateshwara with a loving for attaining moksha.