Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Ganesha Devi Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 18 Shlokas 18 - 28

Shri Ganesha Devi Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 18 Shlokas 18 - 28


श्रीराघव कृपासिन्धो सुकुमार मनोहर |

आगच्छ मया साकमस्माकं भवनं सुत ||

मातृभक्तोसि भगवन् महनीयगुणार्णव |

मयैव साकमायाहि मैथिलीकान्त राघव ||

पुत्रप्रेमनिबद्धास्मि पतिभक्त्या च संयुता |

न त्यजामि भवन्तन्च न त्यजामि पतिं तथा ||


इत्येवं बहुधा राज्ञी प्रलपन्ती पुनः पुनः |

श्रीराममाह्वयामास जननी बालकं यथा ||

सुपरभाते महाराज्ञी संप्राप्य सरयूनदीम् |

स्नानञ्चकार विथिवत्स्मृत्वा सीतामनोहारम् ||

तदाविरासीद्भगवान् श्रीकोसलकुमारकः |

अर्चावताररूपेण सर्वसौन्दर्यसंयुतः ||

गणेशदेवीं तं रामं विलोक्य सुकुमारकम् |

पुलकाङ्कितसर्वाङ्गी संप्राप परमां मुदम् ||

दृष्ट्वा दृष्ट्वा च सानन्दं परिरेभे पुनः पुनः |

तं रामं सुकुमाराङ्गं परमानन्दपूरिता ||

तमुपादाय सानन्दं स्वराज्यं समुपागता |

भर्त्रे निवेदयामास सर्वं वृत्तान्तमेव च ||

राजापि परया भक्त्या विलोक्य रघुनन्दनम् |

सिह्मासने प्रतिष्ठाय पूजयामास सादरम् ||

सर्व जनाः समागत्य ददृशुर्जानकीपतिम् |

प्राशसंसुर्महाराज्ञीं रामभक्तिपरायणाम् ||

Ganesha Devi prayed

Shri Raghava! The ocean of mercy! Sukumara! Manohara (one capable of winning the heart of others)! Oh! my Child! Please come home with me. Oh! Lord of Mythili! Raghava! Bhagavan! You are good natured. You are never in the habit of disobeying Your mother. Please come to my residence with me. I am tossed between my love for my husband on the one side and my affection for my Child (Shri Rama) on the other. I am not able to give up either You or my husband. 

Shri Sadguru continued

Thus the queen invited Shri Rama to her place repeatedly pleading Him as a mother does to her child. When the day dawned the queen went to river Sarayu. There she was having her ritual bath, meditating upon Shri Sitamanohara. At that time, Bhagavan Shri Kosalakumara appeared there in the form of a very exquisite moorti. Looking ate that fascinating form of Shri Rama, Ganesha Devi became happy that her hairs stood on end. She beheld that child, Shri Rama, again and again, and embraced Him many times. With great joy, she returned to her kingdom and narrated to her husband all that happened. The king also perceived Shri Rama with ardent interest and devotion, seated Him on a throne and worshipped Him. All the subjects of that kingdom assembled there, and had the darshan of Shri Sitapati. All of them felicitated the queen who had intense devotion to Shri Rama.

Thus ends Chapter Eighteen entitled  'Shri Ganesha Devi Charitam' of Book IX of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.