Vaishnava Samhita. Ramakrishna Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 5 Shlokas 8 - 17

Ramakrishna Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 5 Shlokas 8 - 17

श्रीमान् केशवचन्द्राख्यः कक्ष्चिदासीन्महामतिः |

पाक्ष्चात्यमतविभ्रान्तो म्लेच्छभाषाविशारदः ||

स तु ब्रह्मसमाजाख्यं स्थापयित्वा स्वयं सदः |

इयेष शोधनं कर्तुं सनातनमतस्य ह ||

अविक्ष्वासं चारायं विग्रहाराधने हरेः |

अवतारेषु सर्वेषु श्रौतस्मार्तेषु कर्मसु ||

तमाश्रित्य महाबुद्धिं धनिनं वदतां वरम् |

अन्धेनैव नीयमाना यथान्धा ह्यभवन् जनाः ||

सर्वत्र व्याप्तमेवासीत्तन्मतं चाददृतं जनैः |

विलोक्य रामकृष्णस्तु परमं खेदमाप च ||

लब्ध्वानुज्ञां भगवतो रामकृष्णो जगद्गुरुः |

द्रष्टुं केशवचन्द्रं तं हर्षेण प्राप तत्सभाम् ||

अवतारस्य माहात्म्यं विग्रहाराधनस्य च |

ऊरीचकार धीरोsयं दिव्यवाण्या स्वयं प्रभुः ||

तस्य दर्शनमात्रेण तद्वाणीश्रवणेन च |

प्राज्ञः केशवचन्द्रोपि प्रसन्नहृदयोsभवत् ||

विच्छिन्नसर्वसंदेहः प्रसन्नहृदयक्ष्च सः |

रामकृष्णपादाम्भोजे न्यपतत्सह शिष्यकैः ||

तदाप्रभृति सोsप्येनं रामकृष्णं महामुनिम् |

आश्रित्य भक्तिमार्गस्य बोधयामास वैभवम् ||

There was a rich and learned man named Keshava Chandra who had a good command over English and was allured by Christianity. He wanted to reform Sanatana Dharma, establishing a society called the Brahma Samaja. He made people lose faith in idol-worship, the details about the incarnations of the Lord, and all the routine observances prescribed by the Vedas and the Smiritis. Attracted by the rich, scholarly and eloquent man, the people gathered around him, and appeared as the blind led by a blind man. Supported by the masses, his doctrines spread all around. Ramakrishna became very sad to note this. At the command of Shri Bhagavan , Shri Ramakrishna reached Brahma Samaja with the intention of having a happy meeting with Keshava Chandra. Courageous mahatma Shri Ramakrishna established and pronounced the grandeur of idol-worship and incarnations with his sweet words. The scholarly Keshava Chandra was rid of all illusions because of the words and darshan of Shri Ramakrishna. Rid of all doubts and blessed with a clear mind, he prostrated at the feet of Shri Ramakrishna along with his disciples. From that day, he took refuge in Shri Ramakrishna and started spreading the glory of Bhakti.