Ramakrishna Charitam V Vol III Book X Chp 7 Shlokas 1 - 5
स्त्रीणां शुद्धचरित्राणां भर्ता हि परमा गतिः |
तमेव भगवद्बुद्ध्या पूजयन्ति हि योषितः ||
स्वपतिं या परित्यज्य पतिमन्यञ्च काङ्क्षते |
सा भवत्युभयत्रापि विनष्टा लोकगर्हिता ||
राक्षात्वमपि प्राप्तं मदयन्ती पतिं यथा |
भर्तारं या परिचरेत्सा भवेल्लोकपूजिता ||
अङ्गहीनं दरिद्रं वा मूढबुद्धिञ्च रोगिणम् |
भर्तारं पूजय्त्साध्वी परलोकसुखेच्छया ||
भर्ता हि परमं भाग्यं सुगुणो दुर्गणोपि वा |
यस्य जीवितमात्रेण भाति नारी सुमङ्गला ||
Shri Sadguru said
For the chaste women, their husbands are the final refuge. Such women worship husbands as gods. A woman who forsakes her husband, and falls in love with another man is despised by the world. She finds no happiness on this earth and in the other world too. She who follows her husband like Madayanti, who worshipped her husband despite being a demon in nature, is adored by people in the world. A chaste woman with her eyes set on the happiness in store in the other world, should adore her husband even if he is handicapped or poor, or afflicted by some disease or even if he is a fool. The greatest fortune of a woman is her husband whether he is good or bad-natured because she is worshipped as a sumangali only when her husband is alive.