Ramakrishna Charitam VII Vol III Book X Chp 8 Shlokas 1 - 5
दुःखं तु सर्वसामान्यं दृष्ट्वा जगति संभृतम् |
अधीराः संशयं सद्यः प्राप्नुवन्ति महेक्ष्वर ||
केचित्कर्मं स्वभावञ्च केचित्कालमणूंस्तथा |
जगतः कारणं प्रहुस्तत्तद्बुद्धिबलेन वै ||
धीरा एव महात्मान कवीनां कविमीक्ष्वरम् |
यथातथैव जानन्ति दृढविक्ष्वाससंयुताः ||
अदृष्टविषयग्यानेन प्रमाणं शास्त्रमेव हि |
परोक्षवादं शास्त्रं तु तस्मान्मुह्यन्ति सूरयः ||
अपरोक्षज्ञानिनस्तु कृपयैव कथञ्चन |
साक्षात्कर्तुं परम् ब्रह्म शक्न्युयाद्भाग्यवान् क्वचित् ||
Shri Sadguru said
All over the world, people who do not have the courage to face sorrow, become skeptical of God whenever they are in difficulty. The origin of the universe is identified differently by people according to their level of intelligence. Some name it as Nature while some as Karma. Some name it as time and some as the atom. Only those exalted men who have insurmountable faith and courage realize the true nature of Eashwara who is the Lord of all intellectuals. The Shastras are the testimony to know that which is not known. But Shastras put forth things indirectly. So even the learned people get perplexed. Only with the grace of an aparoksha gnani (man of wisdom who dispels doubts clearly), the fortunate one is able to see the Supreme Soul face to face.