Vaishnava Samhita. Mohandasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 9 Shlokas 18 - 26

Mohandasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 9 Shlokas 18 - 26

हरे माधव गोविन्द राम कृष्णेति वैष्णवाः |

कीर्तयन्ति रसोन्मत्तास्त्वास्मिन्नेव हि भारते ||

वैकुण्ठादपि कैलासात्पारमेष्ठ्यात्सुरलयात् |

अयं भारतदेशस्तु सर्वथाप्यतिरिच्यते ||

पुण्ये भारतदेशेस्मिन् जन्म वाञ्छति देवताः |

अत्रैव भगवान् विष्णुर्गीयते वैष्णवोत्तमैः ||

रक्षिते भारते देशे रस्खितं सकलं जगत् |

विनष्टे भारते देशे विनष्टं सकलं जगत् ||

धन्यं धान्यं गृहं पत्नीं पुत्रंक्ष्च पितरौ तथा |

प्राणांस्त्यक्त्वापि धैर्येण भारतं परिपालयेत् ||

आसीन्मोहन्दासाख्यो महात्मा वैष्णवोत्तमः |

अहिंसाधर्मनिरतः सत्यसन्धो महामतिः ||

विलोक्य भारतं देशं परमं पावनं महान् |

पाक्ष्चात्यैर्यवनैक्ष्चापि पीडितं दुःखीतोsभवत् ||

मातृभूमिमां पुण्यं रक्षितुं कृतनिक्ष्चयः |

चक्रे सत्याग्रहं धीरः सत्यसन्धो महामतिः ||

अहिंसया च सत्येन त्यागेन क्षमाया तथा |

रञ्ज्यामास सकलं महात्मा भारतं जनम् ||

Vaishnavas intoxicated with Bhakti sing these Divine Names of Hari viz. Madhava, Govinda, Rama and Krishna in this country alone. This country Bharat is, in all ways, superior to Vaikuntha (the abode of Vishnu), Kailasa (the abode of Shiva) and Satyaloka (the abode of Brahma) and the Devaloka (the abode of the devas). Even the devas long to be born on this land of Bharat, as the great vaishnavas sing in praise of Lord Vishnu here alone. If Bharat is saved and kept intact, all worlds are saved and kept intact. If Bharat is destroyed, all worlds are destroyed. This country Bharat is to be protected courageously at the cost of all death and property, wife and children, father, mother, house and even life. There was a great mahatma called Mohandasa. He was a staunch believer in ahimsa. He was avowed to be truthful in all ways. The mahatma became very sad to find this holy land occupied and controlled by the christians and muslims. Taking an oath to rescue his mother land from foreign control, that great man of truth, courage and wisdom adopted Satyagraha. This mahatma captivated the hearts of all the people of India with his noble qualities of truth, sacrifice, endurance and belief in non-violence.