Vaishnava Samhita. Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 21 - 33

Kevalrama Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 10 Shlokas 21 - 33

योगीद्र उवाच

स्वामिन् सर्वजगन्नाथ शरणागतवत्सल |

मग्नमुद्धर गोविन्द भुवनं कलिकल्मषे ||

अल्पायुषो नराः सर्वे पापानुष्ठानतत्पराः |

अवजानन्ति कृष्ण त्वां नानादुःखभयाकुलाः ||

तस्मात्वमेव लोकेस्मिन्नवतीर्य कृपानिधे |

कलिकल्मषमत्युग्रं सांप्रतं शमय प्रभो ||


त्रियुगोस्मि महायोगिन्नवतारो न मे कलौ |

तस्मादर्चावतारेण क्रीडामि जगतीतले ||

अर्चावताररूपेण गूढोस्मि कृपया कलौ |

भक्ता एव हि लोकेस्मिन् जानन्ति मम वैभवम् ||

आराधयन्ति ये भक्त्या मामेकं कीर्तनादिभिः |

वसामि तत्र सुप्रीतो गूढरूपेण सन्ततम् ||

योगीन्द्र उवाच

एवञ्चॆत्तर्हि गोविन्द देवदेव सनातन |

अर्चावताररूपेण दर्शनं देहि मे सदा ||

अतिक्रंयैव सामर्थ्यं सर्वेषामपि शिल्पिनाम् |

स्वयंभूर्भव गोविन्द यतस्त्वं भक्तवत्सलः ||


इति संप्रार्थितो देवो गोविन्दो भक्तवत्सलः |

अर्चावतारं जगृहे सद्य एव कृपानिधिः ||

संभाषणं चकारासौ येन भावेन योगिना |

तेन भावेन रूपं स्वं जगृहे भगवान् हरिः ||

जगन्मोहनसौन्दर्यसारसर्वस्वविग्रहम् |

यमुनाया जलेनामुमभ्यषिञ्चन्महामुनिः ||

पूजयामास योगीन्द्रः प्रेमपूर्वं दिने दिने |

पुष्पैः फलोपहारैक्ष्च यमुनातीरसंभवैः ||

कीर्तयंस्तस्य नामानि चिन्तयंस्तस्य केलिकाम् |

अवसद्यमुनातीरे स महात्मा तपोनिधिः ||

The yogindra prayed

Oh! Swami! The Lord of all the worlds! The gracious father of those who have surrendered to You whole-heartedly! Oh, Govinda! Please uplift with grace the world that drowned in the evils of Kali. Oh! Krishna! Those people who are mortals, who indulge only in sinful activities, who are tossed by fears and sorrows of different kinds, do not respect You. Oh! Gracious! Oh! Lord! You please be born on this earth and conquer the ferocious Kali. 

Shri Bhagavan replied

Oh! Yogi! My incarnations are limited to the three yoga's only. In Kali, I am not taking an avatar. hence I come in the Archavatara form and carry on the divine play. Even in Kali, out of mercy, I invisibly reside in the Archavatara. Only the great bhaktas realize My presence and power. I always reside invisible in the Archavatara pleased with those bhaktas who worship Me with single-minded devotion, with Nama Sankirtan etc.

The yogindra said

Govinda! Lord of the lords! Head of the devas! Oh! Sanatana (eternal)! In that case, please give me darshan always in the Archavatara form. As You are the BHaktavatsala, overpowering the talents of all the sculptors, You take a form of Your own (Swayambhoo) for the sake of the bhaktas.

Shri Sadguru said

Heeding the prayers of the yogi, Lord Govinda, the merciful and the Bhaktavatsala assumed the Archavatara form. Bhagavan Shri Hari took the Archavatara form with the same expression on the face that was there during this conversation with the yogi. The great yogi bathed the moorti that was the abode of all the world's beauties, and was quite alluring with Yamuna water. The yogi worshipped Him daily with the offerings of the flowers and fruits found on the banks of the holy Yamnua. He stayed on the banks of the Yamuna for a long time, singing His Divine Name and cherishing His Leela. 

Thus ends Chapter Ten entitled 'Kevalrama Yoginra Charitam' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal