Vaishnava Samhita. Aanandagiri Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 11 Shlokas 10 - 18

Aanandagiri Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 11 Shlokas 10 - 18

विरहंस्तेन कृष्णेन बालकक्ष्च दिने दिने |

संप्राप्तपरमानन्दः पाठशालां न गच्छति ||

नित्यमाराधयन् कृष्णं केवलं बाललीललया |

तमेवात्मवशञ्चक्रे बालको भक्तवत्सलम् ||

गत्वा कावेरजातीरं कलभाषणतत्परः |

पप्रच्छ विविधान् धर्मान् कृष्णमेव जगद्गुरुम् ||

अचिरेणैव कालेन सर्वशास्त्रार्थवित्तमः |

बभूव बालकः सोऽपि कृपयैव श्रियःपतेः ||

संप्राप्तयौवनः सोऽपि कृष्णमेव भजन् गुरुम् |

विज्ञाय योगधर्मञ्च योगाभ्यासरतोsभवत् ||

कृष्णस्य कृपया सोयमूर्ध्वरेता बभूव ह |

विषयासक्तिरहोतो विरक्तो विजितेन्द्रियः ||

अनुज्ञां प्राप्य मातुक्ष्च भगवान् शङ्करो यथा |

तुरीयमाश्रमञ्चापि जग्राह विधिपूर्वकम् ||

पुत्रमेव स्मरन्ती सा माता कालगतिं गता |

आनन्दगिरियोगीति प्रख्यातिं प्राप भूतले ||

धर्मं परम्हंसानामवलंब्य महामतिः |

चचार स महायोगी जडोन्मत्तपिशाचवत् ||

The child used to play with the moorti in great joy. He stopped attending the school. The child used to playfully perform the Pooja of Shri Krishna daily. As a result, the Lord of the bhaktas, Shri Krishna came into his fold. On the banks of river Cauvery, the lisping young child learnt all dharmas from Shri Krishna, the Universal Preceptor. In a short time, because of the boundless mercy of Shri Krishna, that small boy became the best of all those who could understand the essence of all Shastras. Reaching adolescence, that boy started practicing yoga, taking Shri Krishna to be his guru, and learning yoga dharma from Him. Because of the grace of Lord Shri Krishna, he became an oordhvaretas. He was not interested in sense pleasures. He had complete control of the senses and had subdued all desires. Like Bhagavan Sadi Shankar, he too took to the Sanyasi with all rituals getting the permission of his mother. His mother, who had no thought other than of her son, expired in due course. Her son became very famous in the world and was known as Aanandagiri Yogi. The wise man, followed the paramahamsa dharma. That great yogi, who was a gnat roamed about the world like a lunatic, blockhead and a spirit.