Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Ramadasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 14 Shlokas 27 - 30

Shri Ramadasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 14 Shlokas 27 - 30

एवं हि सर्वलोकेशो भक्तानां वशमागतः |

करोति विविधां क्रीडां भक्तानन्दविवार्धनीम् ||

माहात्म्यं नैव जानन्ति तस्य प्रेमस्वरूपिणः |

स्थूलदृष्ट्या विनिन्दन्ति विग्रहाराधानं खलाः ||

यद्यस्ति दृढविक्ष्वासः शिलायामपि केशवः |

आविर्भवति सानन्दं स्तम्भमध्ये यथा पुरा ||

रामदासस्य चरितं सर्वपापविनाशनम् |

यः पठेच्छ्रद्धया नित्यं स रामं पश्यति ध्रुवम् ||

Like this, the Lord of all the worlds comes into the fold of the bhaktas and carries on many leelas that provide great happiness to them. The hardened, wicked persons do not know the magnificence of Shri Bhagavan, who is the very embodiment of love and hence they bring disgrace to the practice of idol worship. If we have unshakeable faith, Shri Keshava will incarnate even in this Kaliyuga. Did He not emerge as Narahari out of the stony pillar once? One who reads with firm belief the life history of Shri Ramadasa, which has the capacity to eradicate all sins, will definitely see Shri Rama face to face.