Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 6 - 8
आसीन्नरहरिर्नाम शिवभक्तो दृढव्रतः |
नाडिन्धमीयवंशे तु जातो भूषणकर्मकृत् ||
न ददर्श जगन्नाथं पण्डर्यां निवसन्नपि |
विष्णुद्वेषकरो नित्यं घण्टाकर्ण इवाप्ययम् ||
एकदा धनिकः कक्ष्चित्कामस्तु भूषणम् |
शिवभक्तागरग्रण्यं तमुपेत्यैवमुवाच च ||
There was a great devotee of Shri Shiva who belonged to the community of the goldsmiths. He was engaged in the traditional profession of making ornaments. Though he lived in Pandaripuram, he had never had the darshan of Shri Panduranga. Like Ghantakarna, he was also engaged in belittling the glory of Shri Vishnu always. Once a rich man came to this devotee of Shri Shiva in order to get some ornaments made.