Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 9 - 14
धनिक उवाच
अहं श्रीपाण्डुरङ्गस्य काञ्चीं कर्तुं हिरण्मयीम् |
इच्छामि रत्नखचितामनर्घ्यामतिसुन्दरीम् ||
तत्कर्मकुशलोसि त्वमिति श्रुत्वाssगतोस्म्यहम् |
अद्यैव काञ्चीं निर्मातुमारम्भं कुरु सत्वरम् ||
काञ्चीभूषणनिर्माणे विलोक्य तव कौशलम् |
बाहुमानं करिष्यामि तवाहं नात्र संशयः ||
अहं तु शिवभक्तोस्मि शिवध्यानपरायणः |
विष्णोस्ति भूषणं कर्तुं न शक्नोमि कदापि च ||
धनिक उवाच वेतनार्थं करोषि त्वं भूषणानि च योषिताम् |
तथा कुरु महाबुद्धे न दोषस्तव संभवेत् ||
एवञ्चेत्तस्य देवस्य पण्डरीक्षेत्रवासिनः |
नितम्बपरिमाणं त्वमाहराद्य यथातथा ||
The rich man said
I want to make a very expensive girdle of gold, studded with precious stones and gems, for Shri Panduranga. I came here learning that you are an expert in this job. Please start making a girdle now itself. Certainly, I shall reward you adequately befitting your skill and craftsmanship.
Shri Narahari said
I am a devotee of Shri Shiva, having Shiva dhyana as the only object of my life. I shall never make an ornament for the sake of Shri Vishnu.
The rich man said
Are you not making jewels for girls getting money in return? There is nothing wrong in doing the same way now.
Shri Narahari said
In that case you get me the exact waist measurement of the Lord who is residing in the holy Pandaripuram.