Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 23 - 27
मायावी पाण्डुरङ्गोपि रसिको हि स्वभावतः |
भावं तस्यानुसृत्यैव शिवरूपोsभवत्तदा ||
जटां चन्द्रकलाञ्चैव तृतीयं लोचनं तथा |
कण्ठे नागं करे शूलं पस्पर्श न्रनृहरिर्महान् ||
अहो ममैव देवोsयमन्यैः कृत्रिमबुद्धिभिवः |
पूज्यते वनमालीति कपाल्येव न संशयः ||
इति स्मुत्वा सद्य एव नेत्रमुन्मील्य भक्तिमान् |
ददर्श पुण्डरीकाक्षं श्रीवत्साङ्कं श्रियः पतिम् ||
संप्राप्य विस्मयं सद्यो लीलारसविमोहितः |
पुनः पुनक्ष्च पस्पर्श ददर्श च पुनः पुनः ||
Is not Shri Panduranga an exponent of magical arts, very naught and a rasika by nature? So, he appeared before Narahari as Shri Shiva suited to his temperament. Narahari touched and felt the matted hair and the moon’s crescent on the Lord’s head; the third eye on His forehead, the snake in His neck and the Trishul in His hand. Narahari was startled. ‘Oh! This is my Lord only. The treacherous people worship my Shiva as Vishnu, wearing the garland of sylvan flowers. I am quite sure’. Thinking so, that devotee of Shiva opened his eyes. But he saw in front of him only Shri Panduranga, the lotus-eyed Lord of Devi Rukmini with the Insignia of Shri on His chest. The devotee was bewitched by this Leela of Shri Bhagavan. With great wonder, he touched Him and gazed at him again and again.