Shri Narahari Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 18 Shlokas 28 - 32
स्पर्शने शिवरूपेण विष्णुरूपेण दर्शने |
संस्थितं विट्ठलं ज्ञात्वा परां भक्तिमवाप सः ||
शिव एव हरिः साक्षाद्धरिरेव तथा शिवः |
एवं ज्ञात्वा नरहरिर्भेदभावं तथा जहौ ||
अयं देवः शिवो वास्तु विष्णुर्वास्तु यथातथा |
अकारणक्रुपासिन्धुर्विट्ठलः शरणं मम ||
इति स्मृत्वा पाण्डुरङ्गे दृढभक्तिमवाप्य सः |
काञ्चीं समर्पयामास ताञ्च जग्राह माधवः ||
द्वेषं त्यक्त्वाsन्यदेवेषु परमैकान्तमानसः |
आश्रयेदिष्टदैवं तु शैवो वा वैष्णवोsपि वा ||
When Narahari touched Him, He was in the form of Shri Shiva and when he looked at Him, Shri Vitthala was in the form of Shri Vishnu. Realizing the truth ultimately, Narahari attained unsurpassed strength of devotion. “Shiva is Vishnu Himself and Vishnu Himself is Shiva”—realizing this truth, Narahari abandoned his idea of duality and distinction. ‘Let this deity be Shiva. Let Him be Vishnu, only Shri Vitthala who showers mercy unsought is my sole refuge’. Thinking so, he developed unaltered devotion to Shri Panduranga and submitted the girdle to Him, Shri Madhava also accepted it. Be one a shiva or a vaishnava, One should have unflinching faith in the deity of his choice and worship Him, not developing any hatred towards other deities.
Thus ends Chapter Eighteen entitled ‘Narahai Charitam’ of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.