Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 13 - 17
सत्सङ्गमे तु संप्राप्ते कृष्णनाम प्राकीर्तयन् |
राजकृत्यं न सस्मार सेनानायी दृढव्रतः ||
तदा तु ज्ञातयः केचिदसूयापीडिताशयः |
राज्ञे विज्ञापयामासुः सेनानायिकथां बत ||
कुपितो म्लेच्छराजोपि भटानाज्ञापयत्तदा |
बन्दीकृत्य तमद्यैव सभां प्रापयतेति च ||
तावत्साक्षात्पाण्डुरङ्गो भक्तबन्धुर्जगत्प्रभुः |
सेनानायिस्वरूपेण प्राप म्लेच्छसभां हरिः ||
यस्यैव निगमं मूर्ध्ना वहन्ति गिरिशादयः |
स एव भगवानत्र म्लेच्छराजमुपागतम् ||
The staunch devotee Senanyee thus continued to engage in Krishna-kirtan as he had got the unattainable company of the sadhus. Hence he forgot his royal duty. In the meantime some of his envious relatives reported the matter to the king. At once the angry king ordered his soldiers to arrest Senanayee and bring him to the royal court. At the same time, the Lord of the world and the savior of the bhaktas, Shri Panduranga reached the court of the muslim king in the disguise of Senanyee. Now, Shri Bhagavan whose command is immediately obeyed by Rudra and all other devas with very great respect, stood near the muslim king.