Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 18 - 25
अलङ्कारविधिञ्चक्रे तस्य म्लेच्छस्य विट्ठलः |
नूनन भक्तपराधीनो न करिष्यति किं प्रभुः ||
तत्करस्पर्शसौख्येन विमुग्धो मन्त्रबलं तदा ||
अन्तर्दधे सद्य एव भगवान् रुक्मिणीपतिः |
सेनानायीति विलपन्नरेन्द्रोप्यगमत्सभाम् ||
बन्दीकृत्य समानीतं सेनानायिनमादरात् |
विलोक्य राजा प्रोवाच मुच्यतां मुच्यतामिति ||
उत्थाय चासनात्सद्यस्तमालिङ्ग्य पुनः पुनः |
प्रेम प्रकटयामास परमाक्ष्चर्यमोहितः ||
म्लेच्छराजं विलोक्यैनं सेनानायी कृतान्च्जलिः |
अपराधं क्षमस्वेति प्रार्थयामास भक्तिमान् ||
केवलं ज्ञातिवाक्येन तव बुद्धिमजानता |
मया बन्दीकृतोसि त्वमपराधं क्षमस्व मे ||
इति स्मप्रार्थितो राज्ञा पुनः प्राह च वैष्णवः |
राजभक्तिं प्रकटयन् विनीतो विहिताञ्जलिः ||
Shri Vitthala had finished doing the hair of the King. What will the Lord who has deliberately made himself a slave of His devotees, not do for their sake! The muslim king was enchanted by the pleasure he received at the magic, divine touch of Shri Bhagavan. He doubted whether it was the result of the strength given by some mantras, or some magic-spell. Shri Bhagavan, the Lord of Devi Rukmini disappeared immediately. The king reached the court repeatedly chanting the name of Senanayee. At that time he saw the captive Senanayee there. With great kindness he ordered the soldiers to release him. The bewitched king got up from his seat and embraced Senanayee again and again with great affection. Seeing the king’s action, the bhakta Senanayee sought his pardon with folded hands. “Carried away by the words of your relatives, I failed to understand you and hence I improsoned you. Only you should excuse me”. Thus pleaded the king. The vaishnava replied with folded hand, with humility and loyalty to the king.