Senanayee Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 20 Shlokas 26 - 32
सेनानयी उवाच
वैष्णवाराधने हृष्टो हरिकीर्तनलोलुपः |
त्वत्कैङ्कर्यम् न सस्मार गृहे तिष्ठन्नपि प्रभो ||
प्राप्ते महति दुःखेपि कर्तव्यं राजशासनम् |
मयैवं जानताप्येवं तव दास्यं तु विस्मृतम् ||
अनालोक्य मयैवाद्य केवलं ग्यातिवाक्यतः |
बन्दीकृतोसि व्यर्थं हि महत्पापं कृतं मया ||
अत्रैव पूर्वमागत्य विधायापि प्रसाधनम् |
किं वृथा क्लिश्यसे साधो त्यज राजभयं पुनः ||
सेनानयी उवाच
अहं नागतवानत्र किमेवं वदसि प्रभो |
तत्र भागवतैः साकं चकार हारिकीर्तनं ||
नूनं स एव भगवान् तव चक्रे प्रसाधनम् |
तत्करस्पर्षमात्रेण भाग्यवानसि पार्थिव ||
पापिष्ठो वञ्चकोsहं निर्दयोsहञ्च दुर्भगः |
मन्निमित्तमिदं कर्म कृतं तेनापि गर्हितम् ||
Senanayee said
Oh! Master! I forgot my duty and stayed at home as I was engaged in attending on the vaishnavas. I took great pleasure in that. I was enchanted by Hari-kirtan. Though I know very well that on my account the king’s order has to be obeyed. I forgot my duty
The king replied
Without giving second thought to my decision I arrested you unnecessarily just carried away by the words of your relatives. I have become a great sinner, no doubt. You were here to do what I wanted and finished dressing up my hair. Why do you feel sorry unnecessarily? Oh! sadhu, do not be afraid of me.
Senanyee said
Oh! King! certainly Shri Bhagavan only has dressed you up. You are very fortunate and have become blessed as Shri Bhagavan has touched you with His hands. I am a sinner. I am deceitful. I am hearted. I am unfortunate. Oh, the Lord has done this mean job on behalf of me.