Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 10 - 16
स होवाच
पादुकाकृदहञ्चापि भवन्तं शरणं भजे |
न मे माता पिता चैव न मे बन्धुर्न मे गृहम् ||
तस्मात्वमेव सर्वं मे दास्यं मे देहि सन्ततम् |
पितृवत्प्रेमभावेन परिपालय मां प्रभो ||
रैदास उवाच
एवमस्तु महाभाग स्वागतं ते भवत्विह |
ममोपकारं कर्तुं हि प्रेषितोसि परात्मना ||
आग्यापितोस्मि राज्ञाहं पादरक्षां सहस्त्रशः |
निर्मातुं ध्यानमग्नत्वाच्छक्तिर्मे न हि बालक ||
कस्माद् देशादागतोसि नाम किं ते महामते |
ज्ञातुं कौतूहलेनैव पृच्छामि प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||
स होवाच
जन्मभूमिः पण्डरी मे नाम्नाहं रङ्गविट्ठलः |
इतस्ततः परयातटंक्ष्च त्वामद्य शरणङ्गतः ||
अस्यामेव निशायां तु पादुकानां शताधिकम् |
शक्तिर्ममास्ति निर्मातुं सहर्षं तव पश्यतः ||
The young man said
Oh! Swami! I too am a cobbler. I surrender to you. I do not have my parents, relatives or any money. Hence you are all in all for me. Please take me as your servant and guard me with all affection as a father takes care of his son.
Raidasa replied
Oh, fortunate one! Yes I shall do as you want. You are welcome. I believe the Supreme Lord has sent you to help me, indeed. My child! The king has ordered me to Mae hundred pairs of shoes. I am not capable of doing it as I get immersed in dhyana often. Oh! Wise man! Where are you coming from? What is your name? I want to know these, for I have developed a love for and interest in you. Please answer me.
The young man said
My native place is Pandaripuram. My name is Ganga Vitthala. I roamed about many places and finally came to you. I have the capacity to make more than a hundred shoes overnight. You can remain watching me joyfully.