Vaishnava Samhita. Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 17 - 20

Raidasa Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 21 Shlokas 17 - 20


रैदासेन ततो रात्र्यां भुक्त्वाsयं रङ्गविट्ठलः |

पादुकानां शतं चक्रे कैङ्कर्यायानुमोदितः ||

समाप्ते तु स्वकैङ्कर्ये स्नानार्थञ्च नदीङ्गतः |

तत्रैवान्तरधात्क्षिप्रं लीलया रङ्गविट्ठलः ||

आदाय स्वयमागत्य पादुकानां शतं नृपः |

पादुकानां धनं दत्वा प्रददौ पारितोषिकम् ||

तत्सर्वं विट्ठलायैव प्रदातुं कृतनिक्ष्चयः |

प्रतीक्षामाणः सानन्दं तं नापश्यत्सतां वरः ||

Shri Sadguru said

Ranga Vitthala who was permitted to do the job immediately by Raidasa, had his supper that night with him, and then completed the work of making hundred pairs of shoes. Completing the work, Ganga Vitthala went to the river to have a dip. Thus finishing His Leela, He vanished. The king came in person, got all the shoes paying their cost and some money over and above the cost as a special reward to Raidas. Raidas had decided to give all the money to Ganga Vitthala and hence he was waiting for his arrival. But he was absconding.