Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 7 - 11
षष्ठेपि रुक्मिणीकान्तो नामदेवगृहं गतः |
जनामानन्दयामास विविधैः प्रेमचेष्टितैः ||
सप्तमे नामदेवस्य सङ्कीर्तनविमोहितम् |
कबीरः सान्त्वयामास नृत्यन्तं विट्ठलं प्रभुम् ||
अष्टमे नामदेवस्तु हरिकीर्तनलोलुपः |
उपेक्ष्यामि च वैकुण्ठं तुकारामोsभवत्पुनः ||
नवमे तु तुकारामो भार्यया ताडितोपि सः |
क्षमया पृथिवीतुल्यः सान्त्वयामास तां पुनः ||
दशमेपि तुकारामो विरक्तो विपिनङ्गतः |
तत्राप्यनुगतां पत्नीं सान्त्वयामास बोधयन् ||
Chapter Six tells us that the Lord of Devi Rukmini came to Namadeva’s house and provided great joy to Janabai. Lord Vitthala had almost lost Himself in the sweet music of Shri Namadeva. Shri Kabirdasa made Him collect His calm. This episode is given in Chapter Seven. According to Chapter Eight, Shri Namadeva ignored even Vaikuntha since he was bewitched by Hari-kirtan and was born again on this earth as Tukaram. Tukaram who possessed endurance equal to that of Mother Earth, was beaten up by his wife, and later pacified her. This incident is given in Chapter Nine. In Chapter Ten, the dejected Tukaram was followed by his wife to the forest and there he made her calm preaching her and thus conferring nana on her.