Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 12 - 15

Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 12 - 15

एकादशे महात्मानमेकनाथमुपागतः |

शिष्यो भूत्वा कृपासिन्धोः कैङ्कर्यमकरोत्प्रभूः ||

द्वादशे त्वेकनाथस्य शिरसि म्लेच्छको मुहुः |

गण्डूशं कृतवान् दुष्टो न तत्याज क्षमाञ्च सः ||

त्रयोदषेप्येकनाथः पथि दृष्ट्वा तु गर्दभम् |

गाङ्गेयेन जलेनापि तोषयामास तं महान् ||

चतुर्दशे रामदासं परमैकान्तिनं प्रभुः |

आनीय प्रददौ रङ्गो रामरूपेण दर्शनम् ||

Lord Krishna, the springholle of mercy became the disciple of the revered Shri Ekanatha and served him in the Eleventh Chapter. In Chapter Twelve, Shri Ekanatha was seen unperturbed even when a mleccha spat on his head many times. In the Thirteenth Chapter, mahatma Ekanatha offered holy Ganga water to a donkey on his way and made him happy. Shri Ramadasa was a very staunch devotee of Lord Rama. Lord Panduranga took him very close to Himself and gave him darshan in the form of Shri Rama. This is the subject matter of Chapter Fourteen.