Vaishnava Samhita. Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 16 - 20

Katha Sangraham Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 22 Shlokas 16 - 20

अथ पञ्चदशे राजा शिवाजिर्धर्मवत्सलः |

म्लेच्छनार्यामाहृतायां मातृभावञ्चकार ह ||

षोडशेपि शिवाजिस्तु तुकाराममुपाश्रयन् |

सर्वं म्लेच्छबलं क्रूरं नाशयामास लीलया ||

एवं सप्तदशे बालः कोराकुंभेन नर्तने |

मर्दितः पाण्डुरङ्गेन पुनरुज्जीवितो बत ||

अष्टादशे नरहरिः शिवभक्तिपरायणः |

भेदभावं परित्यज्य पाण्डुरङ्गमुपागतः ||

एकोनविंशे गोविन्दं सखीदेवी च सुन्दरी |

वशीकृत्य प्रेमभावाद्ददर्श प्रियमच्युतम् ||

In Chapter Fifteen, the righteous king Shivaji treated the muslim women, who was brought to him as a captive exactly like his mother. King Shivaji approached Shri Tukaramand earned his mercy. With the strength of his blessings he found it a child’s play to destroy the muslim army. This is the gist of Chapter Sixteen. In Chapter Seventeen, the child who was killed in the course of the blissful dancing of Korakumbha was brought back to life by the mercy of Lord Panduranga. The devotee of Shri Shiva, Narahari, gave up his enmity and duality and came close to Lord Panduranga in Chapter Eighteen. In the Nineteenth Chapter, Sakhidevi bound Lord FGovinda with her love and devotion, and gained His darshan.