Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 23 - 26

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 23 - 26

साधव उचुः |

कबीर्दास महाभाग दरिद्रोपि महामनाः |

कथं नः पूजयस्येवमागतांक्ष्च सहस्त्रशः ||

लोकेस्मिन् त्वादृशो भक्तो न भूतो न भविष्यति |

तव भक्त्या श्रद्धया च राघवोपि वशीकृतः ||

कबीर उवाच

किमप्यहं न जानामि किक्ष्चिन्तो निर्भरोस्मि च |

अहञ्च पूज्तोस्म्यत्र केनाचिद्धर्मिकेण तु ||

तं धार्मिकं महात्मानं विचित्यैवात्र पश्यत |

यस्याज्ञया प्रेमपूर्वं यूयमत्र समागताः ||

The sadhus said

Oh! Kabir, the fortunate! Though poor, you are large hearted and philanthropic. How could you take care of us all, who have come in thousands to your house ? On this earth, there had been no bhakta equal to you in the past and there will not be any in future too. Even Lord Rama was bound by your devotion and dedication.

Kabir said

I am not aware of anything. I am free from worries and fears. Hence, I am also attended to by a great service-minded person. Please find out who that great mahatma and righteous person is. You have all come here only in response to his holy and loving command