Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 19 - 22
ते सर्वे रामभक्ताक्ष्च रामचिन्तनतत्पराः |
चक्रुर्भागीरथीतीरे रामानामानुकीर्तनम् ||
तदा स्वयं रघुपतिः सीतया च समन्वितः |
कबीर्दासस्वरूपेण पूजयामास तान् मुदा ||
अन्न्वस्त्रादिदानेन पादप्रक्षामलेनन च |
यथाक्रमम् प्रेमपूर्वं सर्वान् साधूनपूजयत् ||
ते सर्वे पूजिताः साधु राघवेण महात्मना |
कबीर्दासं मन्यमानाः तुष्टुवुस्तमुपागताः ||
All those bhaktas, who had Rama-dhyana as the only aim of life, assembled on the bank of the holy Ganga and started chanting the Divine Name of Lord Rama. At that time, the gracious Lord Rama along with Devi Sita appeared in the disguise of Kabirdasa, (and his wife) and attended to all the sadhus very happily. The Lord gave them all feet-wash and then offered them food and clothings and thus systematically paid them respect. All the sadhus, worshipped thus by the Supreme Being, felt happy. Thinking that Kabir had done all these, they praised him highly.