Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 13 - 18

Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 13 - 18

धनेन दुर्मदान्धास्तु दृष्ट्वैव ग्रुहमागतम् |

अतिथि क्रोधसंयुक्ताः भषन्ति क्ष्वसमा नराः ||

कदाचिद्धनिकाः केचित् कबीर्दासे महात्मनि |

असूयासंयुताक्ष्चक्रुरपराधं सुदुर्मदाः ||

आगच्छत महात्मानः कबीर्दासानुशासनात् |

वाराणसीमहाक्षेत्रे सत्सङ्गो भविता महान् ||

इति पत्रं विलिख्यैव दिक्षु सर्वासु लीलया |

महाद्भयः प्रेषयामासुर्धनिका द्वेषसंयुताः ||

तदृष्ट्वैव महात्मानः कुतूहलसमन्विताः |

वाराणसीमुपाजग्मुः कबीर्दासगृहं तथा ||

सहस्त्रं रामभक्तानामागतञ्च यदृच्छया |

विलोक्यापि कबीर्दासो निक्ष्चिन्तो निर्भरोsभवत् ||Normally, those who are proud of their riches and wealth get annoyed whenever they are put in a position to help the poor. They bark like dogs seeing the guests who come for alms. Once some wealthy and hence proud men got envious of mahatma Kabir, and committed an offense against him. They perpetrated an abominable scheme against the mahatma. Those inimical men prepared copies of a message that there was going to be convened a great assembly of sadhus at holy Kashi, and sent them to the sadhus all over the country. On receipt of the invitation, the sadhus became happy and thronged in thousands to the residence of Kabir at Kashi. Kabir remained totally unperturbed even at the sight of an unexpected crowd of Rama bhaktas.