Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 4 - 6
लोकवेदपराणां तु वैष्णवानां महात्मनाम् |
चरित्रश्रणेनैव प्रेमभक्तिः प्रजायते ||
प्रेमभक्त्या प्रसन्नः स्याद्दृढविक्ष्वासयुक्तया |
भगवान् जानकीनाथो भक्ताकर्षणतत्परः ||
तस्मात्तद्दासदासानां चरित्रं परमाद्भुतम् |
अनुवर्णय सानन्दं सद्गुरो करुणानिधे ||
Prema Bhakti is cultivated in one’s mind only the one listens to the sublime life-stories of the great vaishnavas who stand above the earthly life and even the Vedas. Bhagavan, Shri Rama, the Lord of Devi Janaki, always cherishes the divine will of drawing the bhaktas to Him. He is propitiated only by premature Bhakti coupled with unflinching faith. Oh! Gurunatha! You are the ocean of mercy. Please be kind enough to present to us a blissful description of the wonderful stories of the devotees of Lord Shri Rama.