Kabirdasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 1 Shlokas 7 - 9
आसीत्कबीरदासाख्यो महाभागवोत्तमः |
ज्ञानवैराग्यसंपूर्णो रामभक्तिपरायणः ||
तुरुष्ककुलसंभूतो महाशान्तो दृढव्रतः |
अचिन्तितकुलाचारो रामनामजपप्रियः ||
वैष्णवाराधानापरोपरो विवेकी विनयान्वितः |
सर्वसद्गुणसंपन्नः सत्यसन्धो महामतिः ||
तस्य प्रेमपरां भक्तिं विलोक्य रघुनन्दनः |
चकार तस्य कैङ्कर्यं गूढरूपो दिने दिने ||
Once there was an exalted, pious Bhagavatam named Kabirdasa born in a muslim clan. He was very intelligent and was adorned with noble qualities like truthfulness, modesty and wisdom. He took pleasure in hosting the vaishnavas with great respect. He as immersed all the time in chanting the Divine Name ‘Rama’. he had given up the ways of his muslim clan. A man of unflinching faith, a withdrawn attitude, and a clan disposition. Kabirdasa considered devotion to Lord Rama to be the only object of his life.