Vaishnava Samhita. Kabirdasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 4 Shlokas 1 - 7

Kabirdasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 4 Shlokas 1 - 7


क्षमा सत्यं ब्रह्मचर्यमौदार्यञ्चार्जवं तथा |

एतान्यम्लानपुष्पाणि हरेराराधनाय तु ||

चम्पकाशोकपुन्नागैर्न प्रीणाति हरिः प्रभुः |

भक्तानां सद्गुरुणैरेव सुप्रसन्नो भवत्ययम् ||

सर्वसद्गुणसंपन्नं भक्तश्रेष्ठः हरिः स्वयम् |

अनुगच्छति सानन्दं कृपया जगदीक्ष्वरः ||

गृहस्थेपि कबीर्दासो न चकार धनार्जनम् |

तस्मात्तस्य कुटुम्बं तु दारिद्रयेनैव पीडितम् ||

सदा श्रीराम रामेति कीर्तयक्ष्चिन्तयन् प्रभुम् |

लोकधर्मं न सस्मार कबीर्दासः सतां वरः ||

पत्नी चीरपरीधाना बालाक्ष्च क्षुधितास्तथा |

तथापि तस्य भक्तस्य सर्वं राममयं जगत् ||

उटजे निवसन्नित्यं नानारन्ध्रसमन्विते |

निर्भयो निर्भरो धीरक्ष्चक्रे राघवचिन्तनम् ||

Shri Sadguru said

Endurance, truthfulness, good conduct, charity and honesty are the unwithering blossoms valued in the offering to Lord Hari. Lord Hari is not pleased by a mere offering of the blossoms of Champaka, Ashoka and Punnai. He is gratified only by the good qualities of the bhakta. Shri Hari, the Lord of all universe, is, with mercy and joy, always at the heels of a noble bhakta who is adorned with all good qualities. Though Kabir was a householder, he did not engage himself in money-making activities. Hence, his family was wallowing in poverty. Kabit, the ascetic, was always meditating on Lord Shri Rama and was chanting the Divine Name of his Lord. He did not think of the mundane affairs. His wife was clad in rags. His children suffered grueling hunger. Yet, for Kabir, the bhakta, the entire universe seemed nothing but a manifestation of Lord Shri Rama. He lived in a very poor hut with so many rents on the ceiling. Still unmindful of it, the courageous Kabir was engaged in deep meditation on Shri Rama.